Did you know that the most common houseplants come from the tropics? 

Now, finding tropical plants that grow in your conditions might be a bit of a challenge, unless we narrow down those conditions by only growing indoor tropical plants. 

Growing these plants inside can come with many benefits, including reduced stress and a decrease in harmful toxins in your household. 

For household plant advice, take a look at our Gardener's Blog. To find which plants will work best in your environment, continue reading this article!

John Derrick
Published by: John C. Derrick
Editor / Founder
The Best Indoor Tropical Plants to Grow at Home Image

Indoor Tropical Plants

Many potted tropical plants can grow well in North American households. They are usually low-maintenance plants that are great for novice growers.

Aside from adding vibrancy to your home, these plants can offer many benefits. People specifically choose these tropical house plants for their air purification properties and beautiful looks.

People also desire these because tropical plant indoor care is usually minimal. Many of these plants are native to harsh conditions, making them great for beginners.  

Bird of Paradise

The Bird of Paradise is native to South Africa. It is an adaptive plant with green, large, and glossy leaves. It produces natural slits in its leaves over time and can grow as tall as five feet. 

This plant prefers bright and direct light. However, it can make adjustments to survive in low and indirect light but may result in slow growth.

The Bird of Paradise needs constant watering to keep the soil moist. Never overwater or make the soil soggy. Only water when the top half of the soil has become dry. 

It also thrives at an indoor temperature of 65-80 degrees.

The Best Indoor Tropical Plants to Grow at Home Image

Money Tree

The Money Tree is native from northern South America to Mexico. Its name originated as being a symbol of good luck and prosperity. It is popular for its braided stem and vibrant green palm leaves. 

This plant prefers medium or bright light. It will also adapt to low or florescent lights. Be sure to turn each time after it has been watered for even growth from the light source. 

This tree requires infrequent but deep watering. Water when the upper 50-75% of soil is dry. It requires even less watering during the winter months due to its slow growth. 

It requires an indoor temperature from 65-80 degrees.

The Best Indoor Tropical Plants to Grow at Home Image


The Monstera plant is native to rainforests in Southern Mexico and Central America. They are popular for their large leaves that contain large slits or holes. It is a vining plant that eventually trails out of the pot. 

These low-maintenance plants will grow in most light forms. It grows fast and lush when placed in indirect bright light, but will also grow in low light. However, direct and strong sunlight can burn the leaves. 

While tolerant of periodic missed watering, they need to be watered when the upper 50-75% of soil is dry. 

The Monstera will not do well in drops in temperatures or temperatures below 55 degrees. They require temperatures between 60-80 degrees to thrive.

The Best Indoor Tropical Plants to Grow at Home Image

Dracaena Marginata

The Dracaena Marginata trees are native to Madagascar. They are sought for their braided stems and spiky leaves. This tree can reach up to 58 inches tall. 

It prefers medium indirect sunlight but does fine in low-light settings as well. If your leaves fade, it is an indicator of too much light. Slow growth and small new leaves indicate too little light. 

The main reason this plant doesn't survive is root rot due to overwatering. Only water when the upper 75% of the soil is dry. 

The Dracaena is comfortable when room temperature ranges between 65-80 degrees.

The Best Indoor Tropical Plants to Grow at Home Image

Burgundy Rubber Tree

The Burgundy Rubber Tree is native to South America and is mostly used to make rubber with its sap. It has thick, glossy leaves that are burgundy red or almost black. 

This tree loves bright indirect light. Avoid direct sun as it may burn its leaves. 

Being a durable tree, only water when the upper 50-75% of soil is dry.

The Burgundy Rubber Tree is comfortable in indoor temperatures ranging from 65-78 degrees. Be sure to avoid temperature drops and temperatures below 55 degrees.

The Best Indoor Tropical Plants to Grow at Home Image

Chinese Fan Palm

Chinese Fan Palms are native to China and Japan. They can grow up to 58 inches tall and are great for being tough plants. 

This palm loves bright indirect light but can tolerate medium light. Avoid direct sunlight and low light settings. 

Only water when the upper 50-75% of the soil is dry. Do not overwater because it may cause root rot. 

These plants thrive in room temperatures ranging from 65-85 degrees.

The Best Indoor Tropical Plants to Grow at Home Image

Spider Plant

The Spider Plant is native to tropical Southern Africa. These make the best indoor plants for dark rooms and are almost indestructible. 

This plant prefers bright indirect light but will also do well in low-light settings. Avoid direct sunlight as it will burn the leaves. 

Water your plant when the upper 50% of the soil is dry. Browning tips may indicate bad water. Use filtered water to correct this after letting sit out overnight. 

The Spider Plant enjoys temperatures ranging from 60-80 degrees during the day and above 55 degrees during the night. 

Purchase Tropical Plants 

The best indoor plants can be hard to find when you aren't sure what to search for. The variety shown here portrays a few of the best plants to start with. 

Hopefully, this small guide can help make plant buying and plant care easier for you in the long run. 

Visit our Plantabase today to find which indoor tropical plants will work best for your home!

Published/Updated on: 08-20-2021