Thailand Giant Elephant Ear

Colocasia Gigantea is a beautiful elephant ear that can reach enormous sizes if given the right conditions. It loves water, so be sure to give it plenty. You can even grow it in standing water (pot or not).

Victoria Derrick
Published by: Victoria C. Derrick
Editor / Co-Founder
Thailand Giant, Super Sized Elephant Ear (Colocasia Gigantea) Image

This plant will produce seed pods pretty regularly as it grows large enough. Gigantea can commonly self pollinate, though it seems to not breed with others such as Fallax and Affinis.

Thailand Giant, Super Sized Elephant Ear (Colocasia Gigantea) Image

Once mature, beneath the spath (bloom), you should see the pod. Many will have 5 or so spath flowers, each with a pod beneath it, all from a single leaf node. It will likely take several weeks for the pod to ripen and burst - but when it breaks open, it's ready.

Colocasia Gigantea Thailand Giant in Columbia, SC

Colocasia Gigantea Thailand Giant in Columbia, SC

Additional Classificiation Data

Family: Araceae
Genus: Colocasia
Species: Gigantea
Cultivar: Thailand Giant Strain

Hardiness Zones

USDA Zone 8a: to 10 °F

USDA Zone 8b: to 15 °F

USDA Zone 9a: to 20 °F

USDA Zone 9b: to 25 °F

Plant Height

Height 4-6 ft.

Height 6-8 ft.

Height 8-10 ft.

Light Exposure

Light - 10% to 40% Shade

Light - 40% to 60% Shade

Light - Full Sun

Growth Rate

Rate - Fast

Rate - Moderate

Published/Updated on: 01-20-2021