White butterfly ginger lily, or simply white ginger, is a tropical perennial and a cousin of culinary ginger (Zingiber officinale). It's green stalks grow from thick rhizomes to a height of 3-7 ft. Leaves are lance-shaped and sharp-pointed, arranged in 2 neat ranks that run the length of the stem.

Victoria Derrick
Published by: Victoria C. Derrick
Editor / Co-Founder
Butterfly Ginger, White Ginger, Garland Lily (Hedychium Coronarium) Image

From midsummer through autumn the stalks are topped with 6-12 inch long clusters of incredibly fragrant white flowers that look like butterflies.

The flowers eventually give way to showy seed pods chock full of bright red seeds.

Butterfly Ginger, White Ginger, Garland Lily (Hedychium Coronarium) Image

White Ginger makes a beautiful background plant and looks great planted in large clumps at the edge of woodsy areas. Use the butterfly ginger in low wet areas where it will thrive. The fresh green foliage makes a great framework for smaller plants and works well in tubs and outdoor container plantings. Butterfly Ginger is easy to propagate - simply dig it up, cut the root into 8 inch pieces and replant.

Additional Classification Data

Family: Zingiberaceae
Genus: Hedychium
Species: Coronarium
Cultivar: None Identified

Hardiness Zones

USDA Zone 7a: to 0 °F

USDA Zone 7b: to 5 °F

USDA Zone 8a: to 10 °F

USDA Zone 8b: to 15 °F

USDA Zone 9a: to 20 °F

USDA Zone 9b: to 25 °F

Plant Height

Height 3-4 ft.

Height 4-6 ft.

Height 6-8 ft.

Light Exposure

Light - 10% to 40% Shade

Light - 40% to 60% Shade

Light - 60% to 80% Shade

Growth Rate

Rate - Fast

Published/Updated on: 01-20-2021