Ele Paio a.k.a. 'Milky Way' (Colocasia Esculenta)

Colocasia Ele Paio or 'Milky Way' is a spectacular rare elephant ear that originally was available only to Hawaiian Royalty. The 3’ tall leaves are heavily spotted with paint-like white flecks; some leave are even entirely white on one side. The markings are random and no two leaves are quite the same.

'Milky Way' is a dramatic landscape plant for a bright spot in the garden that doesn’t receive direct sunlight. Direct sun can burn the white parts of the leaves. This plant thrives in rich, organic, moist soil. It is a fast growing plant.

Victoria Derrick
Published by: Victoria C. Derrick
Editor / Co-Founder
Ele Paio, Milky Way (Colocasia Esculenta) Image

Elepaio can be a rare and hard to find elephant ear at times. It's unique markings make it a prize for any tropical gardener. With a good mulch it could probably survive in zone 7.

Additional Classification Data

Family: Araceae
Genus: Colocasia
Species: Esculenta
Cultivar: Elepaio

Hardiness Zones

USDA Zone 8a: to 10 °F

USDA Zone 8b: to 15 °F

USDA Zone 9a: to 20 °F

USDA Zone 9b: to 25 °F

Plant Height

Height 12-18 in.

Height 18-24 in.

Height 2-3 ft.

Light Exposure

Light - 40% to 60% Shade

Light - 60% to 80% Shade

Growth Rate

Rate - Fast

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Published/Updated on: 01-20-2021